These are all of the firelizards that reside in Asura Weyr,
they are listed in this format:

Name Impressed Where Impressed



Enki C'glion Jerdan Weyr
Psyche Ar'zec Dawn Sisters Weyr
Sunring (Loopie) R'nyx Naronis Weyr



Ceall Illaea Glass Island Weyr



Dubren Os'mrik Greyhaven
Faith Jael n/a
Kipto L'remi Talis Weyr



Adley Os'mrik Greyhaven
Brody A'rynn Naronis Weyr
Clae R'vian Sorani Weyr
Daenar Miri Naronis Weyr
Haeron Shaethe Naronis Weyr
Nevar A'rynn Riveth Weyr
Nite Dalylla Naronis Weyr
Noser N'mrix Glass Island Weyr
Vega Nire Naronis Weyr



Cassio Yarrow Dawn Sisters Weyr
Drake Z'rinthe n/a
Enroir B'roque Dawn Sisters Weyr
Ksarri Inkali Jerdan Weyr
Numbweed Kayan Naronis Weyr
Paq L'remi Talis Weyr
Rae Azrael Sorani Weyr
Rascal M'kat Riveth Weyr
Shard Wyxa Karath Weyr
Shunu Querri Honshu Weyr
Tauri Nire Naronis Weyr
Tilde Ar'zec Dawn Sisters Weyr
Visions Bryna Naronis Weyr



Adee Querri Honshu Weyr
Ali Illaea Talis Weyr
Amos Azrael Sorani Weyr
Dani Serhian Naronis Weyr
Gossip Liara Riveth Weyr
Jadi Serhian Riveth Weyr
Lian Shaethe Naronis Weyr
Pilla B'roque Dawn Sisters Weyr
Riatta Illaea Riveth Weyr
Rill L'remi Talis Weyr
Roat A'rynn Naronis Weyr
Rush Z'rinthe Riveth Weyr
Teal Serhian Talis Weyr
Zu Illaea Talis Weyr


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